Take an active, empowered role in your cardiovascular health. Community Hospital and Montage Health offer education and medical services that focus on preventing problems before they happen.
Risk factors for cardiovascular disease
Knowing your risk factors for heart and vascular diseases and lowering the ones you can control can help you live a healthier, longer life. Risk factors include:
Being 65 or older
Being overweight or obese
Drinking too much alcohol or smoking
Getting too little exercise
Having a family or personal history of cardiovascular diseases or heart attack
Having certain health conditions, such as diabetes , hypertension (high blood pressure), or high levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol or triglycerides
How to avoid heart and vascular disease
Protect the health of your heart and vascular system by living a healthy lifestyle.
Eating well Eating well
Your food choices affect your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Choose fresh or frozen:
Whole grains
Low-fat dairy options
Lean sources of protein, such as poultry and fish
Try to limit foods that are:
High in salt, such as canned soup. Aim for less than 1,500 milligrams (mg) of sodium (salt) per day
High in fat and cholesterol, including butter and red meat
High in sugar, such as soda
Packaged, like pre-made cookies, crackers, and chips
Processed, such as deli meat
Talk to a nutrition expert to create a healthy eating plan you’ll enjoy.
Exercise and physical activity Exercise and physical activity
Regular exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system and provides other benefits, such as stress relief. Get at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise five days a week, or 150 minutes per week, to keep your heart healthy. Pick an exercise you enjoy and stick with it. Walking is an easy, free way to get moderate exercise.
Lifestyle choices Lifestyle choices
Even small changes can make a big difference in your cardiovascular health. We recommend:
Finding ways, such as practicing yoga or meditation, to cope with stress
Getting enough sleep
Limiting alcohol
Not smoking and avoiding exposure to secondhand smoke
Staying at a healthy weight and losing weight if you’re overweight
Managing health conditions Managing health conditions
Lower your risk for cardiovascular problems by:
Treating any health conditions you have, such as diabetes or high blood pressure
Taking any medications your doctor prescribes as directed
Lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and increasing your HDL (good cholesterol) levels. Having higher levels of HDL may help prevent heart attack and prevent buildup of fat in the arteries. Raise your HDL levels by getting enough exercise, avoiding saturated fats (found in red meat, egg yolks, and dairy products), and choosing monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats (found in fish, olive oil, and canola oil)
Preventive care and screening tests
Visit your primary care provider regularly for checkups and preventive care. To monitor your cardiovascular health and catch signs of a problem as early as possible, your doctor will measure your:
Blood pressure – Starting at age 20, get your blood pressure tested at least once every two years
Blood glucose (sugar) – Starting at age 45, have your blood sugar levels checked at least every three years
Cholesterol levels – Starting at age 20, have a blood test to check your cholesterol levels every five years. If your results are outside the normal range, you may need more frequent screenings
Height and weight to calculate your body mass index (BMI) – At every physical exam, your doctor will determine your BMI (body fat measurement)
Your primary care provider can also help you identify and take steps to lower cardiovascular risk factors that are in your control. Based on your risk factors or the results of your screenings, your doctor may recommend additional tests , such as a calcium score scan . This test shows your risk for coronary artery disease.
Classes and programs
Learn from knowledgeable instructors in a supportive environment. Montage Health is your trusted local resource for classes, lectures, and other events that focus on preventing cardiovascular diseases and living a healthy lifestyle.